773 TSS / base period start

For the last few weeks my TSS score has been around 600. Which roughly translates as 100 TSS per day plus one rest day.
773 TSS last week. This is a result of a large volume of training. 18 hours. All in zones 1 and 2.
About 190 of this TSS was generated on Sunday.
Sunday's training:
1. Snow shoe Z1 & 2 (3h)
2. Rollers Z1 & 2 (1h 30)
Free squats x 1000
More endurance work to start the base period on Monday.
Monday's training:
1. Stepping machine Z1 & 2 (45 mins)
2. Rollers Z1 & 2 (1h 15)
このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: 773 TSS / base period start
このブログ記事に対するトラックバックURL: http://www.jyonnobitime.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/2865