
A big volume of training over the last few days.
Sunday's training:
1000 squats on Sunday night. Takamura san of Ravanello pescribes this menu to his riders. He used to send me bike racing DVDs. The "post it note" said 2000 squats!
Strength: 1000 squats
Monday's training:
A long effort on the stepping machine on Monday. 80 minutes. Almost a full football match. A box to box midfielder. That's me!
Some speed work too.
Endurance: Run Z2 × 15 mins, Stepping machine Z2 × 80 mins
Speed: Rollers (1 leg, high cadence) x 60 mins
Tuesday's training:
Another big endurance effort on Tuesday. The full 90 minutes this time. Swimming is boring. But it's effective for sure. Always hungry after a swim.
Some speed and strength work too. The full menu.
Endurance: Swim 3.5 km (90 mins)
Speed: Rollers (1 leg, high cadence) x 45 mins
Strength: 700 squats
Wednesday's training:
Sunshine on the forecast on Wednesday! It seems to have rained (or snowed) for 40 days and 40 nights.
Get a chance to ride the road in winter? Grab it with both hands!
60 minutes in zone 2. In Ishiji I'm happy to meet Hayakawa san. Another 30 mins in zone 2 to Teradomari.
Two sets of 30 mins "through and off".
For the first set I try to keep an eye on HR. Pull off before I enter zone 3. But the culmulative effect makes it difficult.
For the second set we do 30 s each on the front. Now it's easier to control it. I drift into Z3 a few times. But it's the price you pay.
The first time to feel tired after exercise in ages...
Endurance: Road, 2 × 30 mins through and off, (115 km)
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