monday to friday

今週は一年間のトレーニングプランのベース3、ウイーク1です。今までのトレーニングはオールゾーン1&2でした。久しぶりにゾーン3をターゲットしています (一週間2回だけ)。270W x30分 x2 (150HR位)にやってみました。
This week is base 3, week 1 of the annual training plan. Up to this point I've done exclusively low intensity training in zones 1 & 2. This week was the first time to target zone 3 in ages (twice this week): 270W x 30 mins x 2 (around 150HR).
We are planning to go away this weekend, so I made the effort to get all this week's scheduled training (15.5h) done by Friday.
Who knows what this year will bring, but for sure I'll be peaking for Tokyo〜Itoigawa in May!
Sunday: rest day
Monday's training:
Strength: lunges, leg curl, leg extension
Endurance: Tread mill x 20 mins, Stepping machine x 45 mins
Endurance: Rollers x 90 mins
Tuesday's training:
Muscular Endurance: Rollers 270W x 30 mins x 2 (90 mins)
Wednesday's training:
Endurance: Snow shoe (3h)
Muscular Endurance: Rollers 270W x 30 mins x 2 (90 mins)
Thursday's training:
Endurance: Badminton (40 mins), Snow shoe (3 h)
Friday's training:
Strength: lunges
Endurance: Stepping machine x 70 mins
Endurance / Speed drills: Rollers x 1h 15 mins
Base 3, week 1: 15.5 hours, 674 TSS (15.5 h target)
このブログ記事を参照しているブログ一覧: monday to friday