FTP test

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Functional Threshold Power test on Sunday.

Next year I want to use power in my training for the first time.

The first step is to determine your power zones. Similar to heart rate, if you determine your output (in this case power) at lactate threshold, you can determine your training zones.

The HR and power tests are pretty much the same. Measure your average value over a 20 minute interval.

I've done tests like this for HR on the road and rollers before. It's important to control the variables, so that you can replicate the same test again. Even more so for power.

I set up the bike on an Elite fluid trainer at Enosan's shop. Fan. Towels. Drinks. Music.

Ready to go.

Warm up

The warm up is very important. It needs to be planned too, so that you can replicate it in future tests.

The first time on this machine. I did a pretty shoddy warm up. Stopping a few times to get everything set up right. Shoe straps. Computer, Towels. A pee...

I know form experience that the slightest annoyance is multiplied during a hard TT effort.

20 min TT

The first ever FTP test. Motivation is high. I go too hard from the start.

On my coach's advice, I'm doing the test blind. Just looking at time elapsed.

If you aim for a certain power, certain HR or certain speed, then it's not really a test at all.

The first two minutes feel great. But I realise I've gone too hard too soon. I'm really suffering.

Even Underworld can't help me...

I start doing the math. Never a good sign. 4 mins = 1/5 of the way, 5 mins = 1/4 of the way...

I have a wide range "hill climb cassette" on the trainer. It' difficult to find the sweet spot. One gear is too heavy. The next gear up is too light...

At the 1/2 way point I don't think I can sustain the effort. I say to Enosan "I think I should stop?". He gives me the nod.

Best to do it properly.

I averaged 420 watts for the 10 minute interval.

elite ftp test nov 2 2014 (10 min fail).csv

Looking at the data I was way too excited at the start. After that I did a pretty constant effort. But I didn't think I could hold it for 20 minutes.

Good values. But for the training plan I need a 20 minute effort.

Take two

I plan to do some base level riding this week. Rest on Thursday. Repeat the test on Friday.


  • A structured warm up, including 3 short hard efforts
  • My 11~25 road cassette
  • Try to find a sweet spot during the warm up - 400 W, 95 cadence (do the test blind)
  • Ease into the TT effort. Try to build after a few minutes
  • Louder music!


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このブログ記事に対するトラックバックURL: http://www.jyonnobitime.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/2847




このページは、andyが2014年11月 4日 23:30に書いたブログ記事です。


次のブログ記事は「base week」です。





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