andy: 2008年11月アーカイブ


サイクリングのいいポイントの一つはたくさんのいい友達が作れることですね。田崎さん“CHEERS!”(乾杯の他にもありがとうという意味があります) andまたヨロピクじょんのび!

Today was great weather. I climbed Yahiko twice with Yahiko Champion Tazaki san. We're in the off season now but it turned into on season style training.
We enjoyed lots of fun talk while riding along. One of the great things about cycling is that you can make lots of good friends. CHEERS! Tazaki san - let's ride again soon!

Following Tazaki san's wheels
Climb no.2 done - お疲れさま!
Tazaki's promise!
Swans in Nishiyama
New じょんのびTIME arm warmers - very cool!




Last week’s weather in Kashiwazaki was just terrible! I’ve been training at the gym and on the trainer. There’s been no chance to ride outside. But then today, the sun came out, “CHANCE!”.

I put on the winter wear that I bought recently and headed for the hills. There is already quite a bit of snow in the mountains. Maybe today’s climb of Isonobe was the final attack for 2008…


Leaving Kashiwazaki – snow on Mt. Kurohime
The road up to Ukawa
Above Ukawa – Mt. Yoneyama in the distance
Winter on Isonobe
Isonobe – snow blocks rode
New winter wear – shoe covers, gloves and under helmet hat





①warm up 5分
②120以上のケイデンス 5分 (3セット)
③ 7ギア/7分ピラミッド(90のケイデンス、3セット)
④140~170HR クリスクロス 20分 (90ケイデンス)
⑤warm down 10分


(③のピラミッドはアウターで、ラスト7ギアを1分ずつギアアップして走ります。僕のトレーナーは負荷を変えられるので最初のセットは“1”そして“2”から “3”へ負荷を上げていきます。)




じょんのびTIME guys、everyone says“rollers are boring!”don’t they!I often say the same thing but it doesn’t have to be true!

If you have a cycle computer (heart rate and cadence) and some good music, you can do a wide variety of fun training on your stationary trainer.

The menu from one of my recent trainer sessions is summarized below:

① warm up for 5minutes
② 120plus cadence for 5minutes (3sets)
③ 7gears / 7minutes pyramids (90cadence、3sets)
④ 140~170HR crisscross for 20minutes (90cadence)
⑤ warm down for 10minutes

(Between each set, cycle at “tempo pace” for 2 minutes. The total time is 1 hour 30 minutes .)

(③Pyramids – for this exercise, ride in the big chain ring. Progress through the last 7 gears at 1 minute intervals. On my trainer I can vary the resistance, so I do 3 sets at resistance levels “1”, “2” and then “3”.)

(④Crisscross – for this exercise, I raise my HR to 170 while riding at a cadence of about 90.At first I raise my HR up to 140 and then start timing the exercise. From here I increase the gears and cadence to bring my HR up to 170. Once I see “170” on the computer I ease off the cadence and move down a few gears. Once the HR drops back down to “140” on the computer, I raise my HR back up to 170. In a 20 minute exercise, this process is repeated a number of times.

If you look at the HR file above, the process should be easy to understand. Why not give it a try!

During this off-season I want to try out various fun ways of training. I’ll do my best!

Out in the cold – bike set up and ready
Night rider – warming up
Return of the Jedi – storm trooper using the force


Friday's Yahiko from Izumozaki
Red leaves on Yahiko
Friday's sunset
Maru warming up (with sports drinks)
Saturday's 1st climb - Komura Pass
Take off on Ogami Dake
Maru's machine
Yellow autumn leaves
Maru King of Isonobe




Tonight I’ll go drinking with Maruyama san for the first time in a while.

The plan is Friday “Kashiwazaki drinking” and Saturday “Cycling”. Why not come along?
Yoropiku jyonnobi!

Photo: Tuesday’s sunset at Kujiranami beach

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2008年のラストレースに行ってきました。土曜日は武尊ヒルクライム、日曜日はGIRO DE HOTAKAでした。







GIROはヒルクライムと全然違うレースです。HR DATAのコースプロフィールを見ると、122キロのツアーのアルパインステージみたいです!
Andrew, Hideko, Sean, ありがとうじょんのび!


This weekend I went to the last races of this year. On Saturday was the Hotaka Hill Climb and on Sunday, the Giro de Hotaka.


Saturday’s hill climb was an individual time trial.

As a warm-up and to check out the course, I rode up to the top of the climb. There was a really strong head wind and the temperature at the top measured 2C. I thought this is going to be a tough one.

Starting for じょんのびTIME were myself and Andrew. However, the TT was already under way and Andrew still hadn’t arrived…. About 10 minutes before his start time he finally came. No warm up, on with the wheels and we’re off!

My race number was 67, so I was the 67th rider to start. The first 3 or 4 kms are not so steep so when I’ve entered this race before, I’ve been able to make use of the big chain ring. However, with the wind being so strong, this time it was impossible. I was forced into the small chain ring pretty much from the off.

After the reception parking area the road begins to steepen. However, there is a bit of forest cover here so it was nice to get a break from the wind.

Hotaka Hill Climb is not very long but the last section of road is narrow 22% pave, making it really tough. If you can, it’s best to keep something in reserve for the final “wall”. I tried not to push beyond a HR of 180 for this purpose. However, by the time I got to the “wall” I was really suffering the same as every year!

I got to the finish in a time of around 31 minutes which was best time and good enough for first place. I was really じょんのび happy!


The GIRO and the hill climb are 2 different kinds of race altogether. If you check the course profile in the HR file, it’s a 122km stage that looks like an alpine stage from the Tour de France.

We started at 7am. From the start the climbing gradient is fairly easy, so it’s a good chance to take advantage of drafting. By the time we’d reached the bottom of the first pass, the lead group was down to about 10 riders. Last year when I rode with Andrew and Adam, it was here that the race broke apart. This time I increased the pace a little by myself and managed to get away alone. The first pass is not so steep but it climbs up to over 1600m. At the top it was zero C and there was snow on the tops of the trees!

From the 1st Check Point at the top to the 2nd CP, I was flying along behind the lead motorbike. However, at the 2nd CP I looked down to see I had a slow puncture in the front tyre. “Oh crap!”. I was only carrying my mobile and bananas (3!) so I had to carry on like that. I got over and down the 2nd pass but by the time I reached the top of the 3rd pass, I had no air left.

Then I remembered. Andrew and his family are waiting at the top of the 4th pass. Bat phone! But no matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t get through. I know! I’ll beg the guy on the lead motorbike! The guy sped off up to Andrew and co and passed on a message. A big じょんのび thank you!

While I was waiting on a wheel I plodded along slowly for about 30 minutes. I thought “surely the other riders are going to come up from behind soon”. However, nobody came, I got myself a new wheel from the じょんのび support team and I managed to get to the finish.

A big じょんのび thank you to Andrew, Hideko and Sean!

The last 1km up to the finish line was probably my toughest yet on the bike. How can I describe it… I was like a drunken old man riding his shopping bike!

But I could still get best time and first place so I was じょんのび happy all over again!

Well that’s the end to this year’s races. The next thing to look forward to is the year end team party! Yoropiku jyonnobi!

Hotaka hill climb – great views
Top of the hill climb - wrapped up warm for the descent
4th and hardest pass on the Giro
Struggling up the 4th pass with Andrew’s wheel in place
Coming over the top of the 4th pass
Sean - support car driver
じょんのび TIME young and old!

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Friday evening:
1 A “boy racer” crashes on Komura Pass!

Saturday morning:
2 Andrew’s November rule no.1 – Yahiko only once!
3 Andrew’s November rule no.2 – Beer is okay!

Sunday afternoon:
4 Blues skies over Isonobe.
5 “Me and my shadow” on Isonobe

Monday afternoon:
6 Cloudy and windy Ogami Dake
7 Ogami Dake – 650m, 13C.
8 Suzuki san – camara problems on Isonobe
9 Suzuki san’s mean machine!

Tuesday evening:
10 Hotaka HC – race wheels check - 7C on Komura Pass!



前のアーカイブはandy: 2008年10月です。

次のアーカイブはandy: 2008年12月です。





じょんのびtime ホームページ

サントリー ホームページ

じょんのびtime スケジュール
